Photography and Adobe illustrator | Technology/ Multimedia

In computer science and multimedia this round I have learned about the fundamental photography skill and teaching my classmate about Adobe Illustrator.

This is one my favorite photo that took by my friend

Overall, we have learned about the triangle exposure which is about how the light reaches your camera sensor. So the thing that affects your exposure is shutter speed, iso, and aperture. Shutter speed is how we control the motion by the fraction as second. The slower the second is the more light in your can reach photo. Iso is how the camera is sensitive to light, so it’s mean that the higher iso in your camera the more it’s sensitive to the light (Brighter). Aperture is the opening size of or the depth of field in your camera. If you the size of the camera you have open bigger it will put more light on the thing you want to focus on.

Also, I have taught my friend about Adobe Illustrator which is a program designed by Adobe for graphic design and digital drawing. This is one of my favorite illustrations on this software:

When I draw or exerting photos, I always presume about the story that I will tell the people through my work. When we have a story in our creation it will make our product more worthwhile.