Kolab Pailin | Khmer

This is the cover of the book

Things have changed every round, for this round in Khmer class we are studying about “Kolab Pailin” which is a famous Khmer novel. The story is about a man who became a successful person after his dad past away by his hard work and integrity. Also, I have to describe each main character in the story about the author advice like what does the author want to tell us about each character meaning in real life.

This is my description for each character meaning:

Chao Chet (The Main Boy Character)

Chao Chet is integrity, determination, and optimism. The author wants to tell us that in life when you to have to face many obstacles we have to stay strong and get over it. For Chao Chet, he went to Pailin and work as a diamond digger. While he was working he help the owner of the business and show his integrity.

Kun Neary (The Main Girl Character)

Kun Neary is a girl who doesn’t show her good attitude when she meets new people. As in the story when she met Chao Chet for the first she shows her cruel behavior because doesn’t trust Chao Chet. The advice from the author is that do not judge people by their cover because Kun Neary she was bossy and cruel at first but as she met and talked with Chao Chet more she showed her real behavior which is sweet and kind.

Luong Ratanak Sombath ( The Owner Of The Work That Chao Chet Was Working For And Kun Neary Dad)

Luong is a leader or master that is compassionate. He helps Chao Chet from a man who doesn’t have anything to have a better life. He never cheated on the worker but he encouraged them more. The advice from the author is when you be a leader do not think that you are always first you have to be compassionate and kind to your worker.

Balat (Bad Man Character)

Balat is a cruel and rich person. He always thinks that he is rich and looks down at Chao Chet. He loves Kun Neary but the way he wanted her is not a good way. He always thinks about his advantages. The advice from the author is when you are rich or you work for the government in a higher position don’t ever look down to the people who are living in a bad condition.

If you wanted to more about the story please click here

(For Khmer Only) If you wanted to read the story please click here